Security Onion: Testing your rules with Python 2.7 & the SCAPY library

Security Onion: Testing your rules with Python 2.7 & the SCAPY library


There are times that we need to make sure that we have granular control over how well our IDS is alerting. Sometimes you may as well put yourself into a tizzy asking, “Am I able to see what I REALLY need to?”

A way to accomplish this with Security Onion is to create custom rules in /etc/nsm/rules/local.rules

My rule will be simple.

alert tcp any any -> $HOME_NET 999 (msg:"WE'VE BEEN RICK ROLLED"; content:"NEVERGONNAGIVEYOUUP"; flow:to_server; classtype:diagnostic; sid:12000006; rev:1)

If you have already defined your home network, then this is pretty straight forward. I used a sid that I was certain not to fire another rule message name.

In /etc/nsm/securityonion/, configure your sguild alerts to alert on this sid:

# EMAIL_ENABLE_SIDS: A list of snort IDS (sids) that you want to enable, but are NOT
# included in EMAIL_CLASSES. NOTE: This overrides EMAIL_DISABLE_SIDS.
# 0=none
set EMAIL_ENABLE_SIDS "12000006"


# nsm_server_ps-restart && rule-update

Now your Security Onion box is ready to alert you.

Let’s make a script now!

Make sure you have python 2.7 and python-pip:

$ sudo apt-get install python2.7
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip

Then let’s get the scapy library for Python:

$ sudo pip install scapy

The actual script is very simple:

import time
import sys
import os
from scapy.all import *

list = open("dests.txt").readlines()

#if you want to specify many destinations to test multiple sensors, use this list statement.

def ids():
    for x in list:
        packet = IP(dst=x,src="YOUR IP")/TCP(dport=999,sport=1234)/"NEVERGONNAGIVEYOUUP"
        print("A PACKET HAS BEEN SENT TO " + x)


Make sure to put in a source IP that is routable on the network from the location in which you launch this script.

Finally, save this script as a .py file and run it. Like so:

$ sudo python2 /home/bebo/Code/python2/

If you don’t get any error messages, then you can check SGUIL and your email for alerts.



You can view source for this snippet at:

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